Terms and Conditions

Chennai Pet Care is pleased to have you as a customer!

The Chennai Pet Care website, which may be located at chennaipetcare.blogspot.com, is governed by these terms and conditions. To the extent that you continue to use this website, you signify your acceptance of these conditions. Chennai Pet Care does not accept customers who do not agree to all of its policies. "Client," "You," and "Your" refer to you, the person who agrees to the Company's terms and conditions when you log on to this website. "The Company," "Ourselves," "We," "Ours," and "Us" are just some of the terms we use to describe ourselves. Hereinafter, we'll simply refer to the client and ourselves collectively as "Party, Parties, or Us." To begin our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the Client's needs in relation to the Company's specified services, in accordance and subject to, applicable Dutch legislation, all terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment. Singular, plural, capitalization, and/or he/she/they are all taken to signify the same thing in the above-mentioned language.


This website makes use of cookies. By visiting Chennai Pet Care, you agreed to the usage of cookies in accordance with the company's privacy policy. In order to keep track of the user's information, most interactive websites employ cookies. A cookie is a little text file that is placed on your computer's hard drive when you visit our website. Cookies may also be used by certain of our affiliate/advertising partners.


Unless otherwise specified, Chennai Pet Care and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in all material on Chennai Pet Care. Intellectual property rights are protected. As stated in these terms and conditions, you are permitted to obtain this for your personal use from Chennai Pet Care.

You are not permitted to:

Reproduce content from Chennai Pet Care

Material from Chennai Pet Care may be rented, sold, or sublicensed.

Material from Chennai Pet Care may not be reproduced, duplicated, or copied.

Republish material from the Chennai Pet Care website.

The period of this agreement begins on the date of this document.

Users can post and exchange ideas and information in defined areas on this website. Chennai Pet Care does not pre-filter, edit, publish, or evaluate Comments before they are posted online. Chennai Pet Care, its agents, or any of its affiliates do not endorse any of the views stated in the comments. The views and opinions expressed in comments are those of the person who made them. To the fullest extent authorised by law, Chennai Pet Care is not responsible or liable for any comments or any liabilities, damages or expenses of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or posting of and/or publication of the comments on this website.

Chennai Pet Care reserves the right to monitor all comments and to remove any comments which it finds to be improper, offensive, or in violation of these terms.

You certify and guarantee:

You are authorised to post the Comments on our website because you have been granted the necessary privileges and permissions.

The Comments do not violate any third-party intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, patents, or trademarks.

Comments do not contain defamatory, libellous or obscene content that constitutes a violation of privacy.

To prevent commercial or unlawful solicitation or promotion, the Comments will not be used in any way.

Your permission is hereby granted to Chennai Pet Care for the non-exclusive purpose of using, reproducing, editing and authorising the use, reproducing, editing and authorising the use, reproducing and editing of any of your Comments.

Using Our Content as a Link

Links to our website may be made by any of the following organisations without our permission: 

agency of the state;

People use search engines to find information

groups devoted to reporting the news;

As long as they don't promote non-profit organisations, charity shopping malls, or charity fundraising clubs, distributors of online directories can link to our website in the same manner they connect to other businesses in the directory. If the link meets with the following criteria: (a) is not deceptive; (b) does not suggest that the connecting party or its products and/or services are sponsored, promoted, or approved in any way; and (c) fits neatly with the theme of the linking party's website.

These are the organisations that may be eligible for a link from our site.

consumer and business information sources that are well-known

dot.com's online community;

organisations that represent charitable causes;

distributors of internet directories

portals on the internet

consulting, accounting, and law firms

Institutions of higher learning as well as business groups.

We will approve link requests from these organisations if we determine that: (a) the link will not reflect unfavourably on us or our accredited businesses; (b) the organisation does not have a negative record with us; and (c) the benefit to us from the visibility of the hyperlink compensates for Chennai Pet Care's lack of a hyperlink also (d), the link will point to generic information about resources. As long as the link does not mislead, imply sponsorship, support, or approval of the linking party or its products or services, and is appropriate for the connecting party's website, these organisations are welcome to link to our home page. If you are one of the organisations named in paragraph 2 above and would like to link to our website, please email us at Chennai Pet Care. If you'd like to link to our site from a different site, including the URL of that site, your name, the name of your organisation, your contact information, and the URL of your website. Within two to three weeks, you can expect a reply.

Links to our website can be made using the following URL:

By referring to us by our company name; or

Use of a hyperlinked universal resource location (URL); or

If the connected party's website's content and context allow, we can describe our website in any other way that makes sense in that context and format. In order to connect to Chennai Pet Care, a trademark licence agreement is required.


Frames that modify the visual presentation or design of our website are not permitted without prior explicit consent from us.

Liability for Content

Please bear in mind that we have no control over the material on your site. Any disputes arising out of your Website will be between you and us, and you undertake to defend and indemnify us. The links on any website should not be considered defamatory, obscene, or illegal or incite the infringement, other violation, or the infringement of third-party rights in any way.


Please review our Privacy Policy.

Rights Reserved

Please remove any and all links to our website or specific links to our website at your own discretion. You agree to immediately deactivate any connections to our website if we ask you to do so. You should check back frequently for updates to both these terms and conditions and our linking policy. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you continue to link to our website.

Links to our site will be removed.

You are welcome to contact us at any time if you identify a link on our website that is offensive for any reason. If you ask us to delete links, we'll look into it, but we have no obligation, and we won't personally respond to you. In no event do we guarantee that the information on this website is complete and accurate, or that the website will be accessible, or that the material on this website will be current.


Any and all claims, warranties, and conditions regarding this website and its usage are disclaimed to the fullest degree permissible by law. In no way should anything in this disclaimer be used to mean that:

reduce or eliminate our or your liability in the event of death or injury

eliminate our and your legal responsibility if we've been dishonest or committing fraud.

do anything other than what is permitted by law to limit our or your liability; or

To the extent permitted by law, exclude any of our or your liabilities.

Restrictions on liability and prohibitions set out elsewhere in this disclaimer are: (a) are binding; and (b) All duties arising under the disclaimer are subject to these terms, including those for violation of contract or tort, as well as for breach of statutory duty.

As long as the website and the data and services it offers are free, we won't be held responsible for any damages or losses you could suffer as a result.

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