Privacy Policy

Chennai Pet Care's Privacy Statement

The safety and security of our site's visitors' personal information is a major priority for us. This paper explains the sorts of data that are collected and recorded, as well as how we use them. Contact us if you have any more questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Statement. Only information transmitted and/or collected by visitors to our website is covered by this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us.


You agree to and abide by the terms of our Privacy Policy when you use our website

Information gathered by our team

At the time you are asked to enter personal information, you will be given an explanation of why it is necessary. Your name, e-mail address and phone number, as well as the contents of any message and/or attachments you provide us if you contact us directly, can be obtained by us. Your name, company, and email address can be requested when you register an account with us. We can also ask for a phone number. What we do with the data you provide us data can be used for a multitude of purposes, such as:

- Maintain and run our website.

- Improve, customise, and broaden the scope of our website.

- Find out how you use our website.

- Conceive of and implement fresh ideas for goods and services.

- Provide customer service and website updates as well as marketing and promotional materials by contacting you directly or through a third-party partner.

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Inquiry logs

A typical practice is the utilisation of log files. People's personal information is stored in these files when they visit websites. All hosting firms do this as part of their analytics. Data from log files includes IP addresses, browser versions, ISPs, timestamps, referring/exit websites, and perhaps the number of clicks made by users. They are not linked to any personal information. For example, the data is used to analyse patterns, run the platform, track users' travels on the site, and acquire demographic information.

Web Beacons and Cookies

As with any other website, Chennai Pet Care also makes use of a technology known as 'cookies.' For example, these cookies are used to keep track of visitors' interests and the pages they viewed on the website. In order to provide a better online experience, we can tailor the content of our web pages based on the browser type and/or other information that is provided by our visitors. For a more general overview of cookies, please see "What Are Cookies?". from Cookie Consent to Consent to Cookie

The DoubleClick DART Cookie from Google

Google is a third-party vendor on our platform. Using DART cookies, we may target ads to visitors of and other websites they have visited in the past. By visiting the Google ad and content network Privacy Policy at "," visitors can opt out of the usage of DART cookies.

Privacy Policies for Advertising Partners

The privacy policies for each of Chennai Pet Care's advertising partners are listed here.

Users' browsers get advertisements and links directly from third-party ad servers or networks that use technologies such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons. A notification is issued to them as soon as this occurs. For marketers, they utilise these techniques to measure the success of their advertising campaigns and/or to tailor the advertising content you see on the websites you visit. It's crucial to remember that these third-party cookies are not within the control of.

Protecting Your Personal Information When You Work With Others

The privacy policies of Chennai Pet Care do not apply to these advertisements or blogs. Please check out the privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more information on their practises. Details about their operations and directions on how to opt out may be provided. Cookies can be disabled by changing your browser's settings. More information on cookie management can be found on the websites of the various web browsers.

Under the CCPA, you have the right to privacy My personal information should not be sold to anybody else.

A customer's entitlement under the CCPA, among other things, is to request that a business disclose the categories and specific pieces of data it has gathered from a consumer. Personal information about an individual might be requested to be deleted by the company. A company should not be allowed to sell the details of its customers. Within one month of submitting a request, you will receive a response. If you desire to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

The GDPR's Data Protection Rights

We'd like to make sure you're well-informed about your privacy options. The following rights are available to every customer:

- Access to information – the right You have the right to receive a copy of the personal information that has been collected about you. We will charge you a little fee for this service.

- A person has the right to request the rectification of any information they believe is erroneous. Alternatively, you can ask us to fill in any information gaps that you think are there.

- Forgotten people's right to be erased In rare cases, you can ask us to delete your personal information.

- As a user, you have the right to request that we stop using your personal information in certain situations.

- In some cases, you may request that we send the personal information we've gathered to another organisation or to you directly.

- You can expect a response within a month if you make a request in this area. Please get in touch with us if you'd want to make use of any of these options.

Information for Children

Children's online safety also tops the list of priorities for us at the moment. As a parent or guardian, you have a responsibility to supervise, participate in, and guide your child's online behaviour. Children under the age of thirteen must provide their permission before Chennai Pet Care collects any personal information from them. Please contact us immediately if you believe your child has disclosed this type of information on our website. We will promptly erase such material from our files.

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